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Filemenow Filemenow

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Filemenow Publisher's Description

Filemenow is a multi account, multi layer document management software system that will let you organize your documents in the same manor you would when storing them in a filing cabinet. Each account or layer is part of a tree nodes, each node can have its own icon image and information such as node name, name, address, email, telephone No, mobile and icon image.
Filemenow will allow you to store any type of file on any network drive or cloud system. Each file will have its own properties and this will allow the you to add category (user definable), Document reference, Document tags (to add unlimited search capability), node details, file image, contact information and contact details. Filemenow is very comprehensive and flexible in what data it holds for each stored file. When it comes to finding something you need amongst a large amounts of files then this system can’t be beaten.
Filemenow will let you view the documents within a viewing window or if you have the correct app installed. You can launch the file live. Edit it and place it back or you can right click the file and email to whoever you wish.
When you click on an account and its layers to look or find documents, these documents will be displayed in a panel in the system, as you click on layers these will be displayed in the panel as tabs making it easy to move from one layer to another check the files/documents as you go. Also as like windows these files/documents can be viewed in many ways to suit the way you work.
Filemenow is new but it is also powerful and with our SQL version we are pleased to offer bespoke versions to ensure integration into any companies systems, saving money and time.
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